
We’re ambitious humans. Especially those of us in this circle, who continually want to improve our health and wellness.

Last year, my goals for my body were more lofty. I was fit and energetic.

I had an extended hospital stay with paralyzed intestines, and everything I had always counted on about my body went away.

In February, after weeks in three hospital, not being allowed to eat, I weighed 92 pounds and was so week I couldn’t even pour myself a glad of water!

I had to change my goals.

I had to adjust.

Each of our bodies will have different needs at different points in our lives. And we will have the opportunity to accommodate them with new goals.

My body has needed more rest, more protein, more calories for weight gain, more relaxation.

I needed extra rest this week for various reasons, but my goal for this week is to stretch for a few minutes everyday!

What’s a goal you want to set?

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